Dental care for dogs

Protect the only set of teeth your dog will ever have with advanced kibbles designed to help keep their teeth and gums healthy.

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Up to 99% reduced tartar formation

Our Dental Care range has been scientifically proven to reduce the formation of tartar on dogs’ teeth by up to 99% (MEDIUM formula), up to 75% (MAXI formula) or up to 69 (MINI formula). This testing was carried out at the Royal Canin kennels in France.

The nutrition of dental care

Bacteria naturally settles on your dog’s teeth after meals, which can cause a build up of plaque and tartar and could eventually lead to gum disease. Our kibbles have an advanced texture that cleans your dog’s teeth while they’re chewing. They surround each tooth as your dog bites down, so every mouthful rubs the surface with a brushing effect.These nutritious kibbles are also enhanced with a binding agent that bonds to the calcium in your dog’s mouth and helps to prevent tartar forming.

Dental Care

Our crunchy kibbles are designed to fit between the teeth of dogs of all sizes. They offer all the nutrients needed for a healthy diet while helping to reduce tartar formation.

Dental care tips

A few hints and tips to help keep your dog’s teeth and gums healthy.

Vet visits

It’s important to take your dog to the vet for their teeth cleaning at least once a year. These visits also give your vet chance to do a thorough dental check, enabling them to spot and respond to any issues before they become big problems.

West Highland White Terrier lying down on an examination table being examined by a vet.
Maltese adult having teeth checked by owner.

Tooth brushing

It’s a good idea to brush your dog’s teeth daily yourself, as well as taking them to the vet. Make sure you use toothpaste for dogs and a suitably sized toothbrush. And, ideally, start doing this when they’re a puppy to help them get used to it.

Oral checks

When you’re cleaning your dog’s teeth or playing with them, you may notice that some areas of their gums are redder than others. This means you’ve caught gum disease in action and it’s your cue to visit the vet for an extra check.

German Shorthaired Pointer adult having a dental examination at the vets.