Ocicat adult black and white


The Ocicat may look wild, but it is actually a devoted family cat.

About the Ocicat

The Ocicats are confident cats and are outgoing with visitors to the home. They are bright cats and will easily learn household rules. This, combined with their people-orientated nature, means they will quickly be able to follow commands.

Ocicats are sociable cats and don’t like to be without company. They are best suited to busy households with plenty of activity and will become unhappy if left alone for long periods.

Kilde: Hovedfakta og egenskaper hentet fra World Cat Congress (WCC)


Kort pels
Gjennomsnittlig forventet levetid
15–18 år

Sosial / Aktiv / Selvsikker / Intelligent

Viktige fakta

  • Trenger lite pelsstell
  • Egnet for å leve både innendørs og utendørs
  • Tålmodig med barn og andre dyr

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