Peterbald adult black and white


The Peterbalds are very intelligent, lively and playful. These cats remain playful and lively throughout their life.

About the Peterbald

Peterbalds are very attached to humans and love to be in your lap. These cats come in three coat types: completely Short, fine “peach-like” hairs, or a longer coat that feels like a plush, short velvet. They get on very well with other cats, dogs and children, as they have a tendency to be playful.

The Peterbald will often choose one member of the family as their favourite and become very devoted to them.

Kilde: Hovedfakta og egenskaper hentet fra World Cat Congress (WCC)


Kort pels
Gjennomsnittlig forventet levetid
12–15 år

Intelligent / Livlige / Leken

Viktige fakta

  • Best egnet til å være innendørs
  • Trenger moderat med pelsstell
  • Tålmodig med barn og andre dyr

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