Let's talk Pixie-Bobs

If you can’t decide between a cat or a dog then the Pixie-Bob cat may be a good compromise. The Pixie-Bob is a large cat who enjoys playing fetch and walking on a leash. This thoroughly modern feline made its first appearance in 1985 in the US, and has two distinguishing physical traits: A stumpy tail and extra toes (sometimes, not always). Their chill temperament means the Pixie-Bob adapts well to family life, forming strong bonds with their humans, which includes children.

Official name: Pixie-Bob

Origins: United States

Labrador Retriever adult black and white
Shedding level:


Warm weather? Very low
Energy level (high, low, medium) *: High Family pet? * Very high
Compatibility with other pets:
Very high

* We advise against leaving pets alone for long stretches. Companionship can prevent emotional distress and destructive behaviour. Speak to your veterinarian for recommendations.

Every pet is different, even within a breed; this snapshot of this breed’s specifics should be taken as an indication.

For a happy, healthy and well-behaved pet, we recommend educating and socialising your pet as well as covering their basic welfare, social and behavioural needs.

Pets should never be left unsupervised with a child.

All domestic pets are sociable and prefer company. However, they can be taught to cope with solitude from an early age. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or trainer to help you do this.

Inline Image 15
Illustration of a Pixiebob
25 - 30 cm translations.feature.breeds.height
4 - 8 kg translations.feature.breeds.weight
25 - 30 cm translations.feature.breeds.height
3 - 7 kg translations.feature.breeds.weight

 Baby age:  Birth to 4 months
 Kitten age:  4 to 12 months
 Adult age:  1 to 7 years
 Mature age:  7 to 12 years
 Senior age:  From 12 years

Two Pixiebob kittens in a studio setting


Origins of the breed

For many enthusiasts, the Labrador Retriever remains one of the most popular all-round dogs worldwide. It’s thought that Labrador Retrievers originated from the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, where fishermen used dogs of this appearance to retrieve fish. The breed as we know it today, however, was established by the British in the early 1800’s.

The Labrador Retriever Club was founded in 1916 and the first standard followed soon after, predominantly tailored to working Labrador Retrievers who found early fame, having been originally introduced to the U.K. in the late 1800’s by Col Peter Hawker and the Earl of Malmesbury.

Pixiebob walking across a wooden mantlepiece


2 facts about Pixie-Bobs

1. Let’s do a recount 

The Pixie-Bob is not the only breed to be polydactyl, which means they sometimes have a few extra toes on one or more of their paws. However, it is the only breed who has it as a physical characteristic in their standard.

2. Skin deep

One more special physical characteristic of the Pixie-Bob is their coat pattern, which actually goes all the way down to their skin. So if you ever shaved a Pixie-Bob – something we do not encourage – their body would show their coat markings.


History of the breed

The origin story of the Pixie-Bob is somewhat hazy but here’s what we do know: The breed comes from the United States and first made an appearance around 1985. Local Washington resident, Carol Ann Brewer, welcomed a large stray cat into her home, whom she named Keba. Keba had a spotted coat, extra toes and a short tail, which led Carol Ann to believe that he had some Bobcat blood in him. Keba went on to mate with a neighbour’s domestic cat. From the consequent litter of kittens, Carol Ann noticed a bob-tailed female, which she named Pixie and decided to keep, with the intention of starting a breeding programme. Thus the Pixie-Bob was born with the appearance of a wild cat, but the character of a domesticated feline.

DNA research has managed to confirm the Pixie-bob is a fully domestic cat breed, sharing no relation to the Bobcat, the Manx, or the American Bobtail. In 1998, the Pixie-Bob was officially recognised by The International Cat Association.

Black and white portrait of a Pixiebob


From head to tail

Physical characteristics of Pixie-Bobs

1. Body

Body is medium to large-sized with a wide chest.

2. Tail

A short tail (2in/5cm min) that sits low, often with a knotted appearance.

3. Coat

Double coat can be short or long with a tabby pattern.

Pixiebob lying down in a studio setting


Things to look out for

From specific breed traits to a general health overview, here are some interesting facts about your Pixie-Bobs
Pixiebob kitten walking along a wooden plank


Caring for your Pixie-Bob

Grooming, training and exercise tips

Whether your Pixie-Bob has a long or short coat, it is simple to groom with one weekly brushing being enough to keep it clean and gleaming with health. During shedding season, you may have to increase brushing sessions. Keep their nails trim and regularly clean the ears to prevent wax build-ups. Daily teeth-brushing is a plus for your Pixie-Bob.
When it comes to exercise, the medium to large-sized Pixie-Bob needs about 15-20 minutes of playtime per day. This breed can be trained to walk on leash and particularly enjoy fetch and run play sessions. They’re also happy to play by themselves or with children, though this time should be supervised when kids are little.
Pixie-Bobs’ easy-going temperament makes training sessions simple. At first, it will help to use treats as motivation, but remember to remove these from your Pixie-Bob’s daily kibble portion.


All about Pixie-Bobs

Incredibly so. Their wild-like appearance is misleading as the Pixie-Bob is most content when being showered with attention from their humans (head massages get you extra points!) If you’re looking to welcome a cuddly cat into your life, one that also likes children, other cats and dogs, then the Pixie-Bob is a great feline candidate for you.

The Pixie-Bob is a recent cat breed that experiences very few health issues, so you can expect them to be by your side for 13-15 years—and perhaps even longer. Keep your Pixie-Bob satisfied with your presence. Keep them healthy by respecting daily kibble portions and playing fetch or chase with them often.

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1 - Veterinary Centers of America https://vcahospitals.com/ 

2 - Royal Canin Cat Encyclopaedia. Ed 2010 and 2020

3 - Banfield Pet Hospital https://www.banfield.com/

4 - Royal Canin BHN Product Book