Klein Munsterlander adult black and white

Kleine Münsterländer

Kleine Münsterländers are versatile hunters with an inexhaustible predation instinct and solid nerves that react well to game.

About the Kleine Münsterländer

Kleine Münsterländers are intelligent, quick studies. Full of temperament but well balanced, they have a stable character and are attentive and friendly to humans.

They are good family dogs that are no trouble to socialise. On the hunt, these ideal team players maintain close contact with their owners.

Kilde: Sentrale fakta og egenskaper hentet fra Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)


FCI gruppe 7, AKC Foundation Stock Service
Gjennomsnittlig forventet levetid
12–14 år

Kjærlig / Mild / Selvstendig / Intelligent / Tøff

Viktige fakta

  • En super familiehund
  • Tålmodig med barn og andre dyr
  • Trenger moderat med pelsstell

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