Black and White Dutch Schapendoes adult


Its springy, effortless gait is complemented with a remarkable jump. A good Dutch Schapendoes is vigilant and courageous.

About the Dutch Schapendoes

The Dutch Schapendoes is a dog which was used for herding flocks of sheep and which is still used in the same capacity today. As pasture for sheep is situated mainly in quiet, lonely areas of the country, it is necessary for the Dutch Schapendoes to be equipped with great endurance, mobility and speed.

P.M.C. Toepoel founded the modern Dutch Schapendoes, generating interest in the virtually extinct breed during World War II ahead of making serious efforts to reconstruct it in the years following.

Kilde: Sentrale fakta og egenskaper hentet fra Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)


FCI gruppe 1, AKC Foundation Stock Service
Gjennomsnittlig forventet levetid
12–15 år

Kjærlig / Selvhevdende / Årvåken / Selvsikker / Vennlig / Intelligent / Lojal / Rolig

Viktige fakta

  • En super familiehund
  • Trenger moderat med mosjon

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