Sensitivity description

Some dogs are more prone to the accumulation of dental tartar. After eating, food residuals form a thin layer of plaque covering the teeth. Over time, plaque calcifies into tartar which accelerates the accumulation of bacteria that can have health consequences.

Product claims

Complete nutrition that features a kibble formulated with a specialized texture that polishes your dog’s teeth as he chews. The formula is improved with chelators that bind to calcium in his mouth, helping stop tartar from forming. Ideal for longterm use. Oral hygiene plays an important role in your dog's overall health

How else can you help your dog?

How else can you help your dog? It's recommended to brush your dog's teeth daily. Use toothpaste specifically made for dogs, and a suitably sized toothbrush. If you have any questions or concerns about your dog's health, please contact your veterinarian.

Your dog will only ever have one set of teeth, which is why it’s so important to help keep his teeth and gums healthy. Suitable for dogs that weigh between 26kg and 44kg, ROYAL CANIN® Dental Care Maxi boasts delicious-tasting complete nutrition that helps to support your dog’s dental health. This advanced formula features a smart kibble texture that actually cleans your dog’s teeth while chewing. The mechanical texture of the kibble surrounds each tooth as your dog bites down so that every mouthful rubs against the tooth’s surface, like a brushing effect. Over time, the bacteria that settles on your dog’s teeth after meals forms plaque, which mineralizes with calcium to cause tartar. This nutritious kibble is enhanced with chelators that bind to calcium in your dog’s mouth, which helps to stop the formation and build-up of tartar. Our Digestive Care nutritional program has two components available: crunchy kibble and a delicious pâté in a pouch, both are nutritionally complete and perfectly complement each other. Why not try the pâté as a delicious topping to the kibble? Don’t just take our word for it, ROYAL CANIN® Dental Care Maxi is scientifically tested and proven to reduce tartar formation by up to 75%. This means that ROYAL CANIN® Dental Care Maxi’s results are a proven success.

Lavorare per un futuro sostenibile

Il nostro credo che gli animali domestici rendono il mondo migliore si ispira e dà vita al nostro obiettivo di creare UN MONDO MIGLIORE PER GLI ANIMALI DOMESTICI™.

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Labrador Retriever adulto seduto all'aperto con il proprietario


Discover our tool that calculates the daily portion for your pet. Fill in your pet's information and you will get their daily feeding recommendation. In case of weight issues, do not hesitate to consult your vet to adapt this portion. Note that this feeding recommendation is more precise than the feeding table, therefore the values may slightly differ.

Composizione: farina di mais, proteine di pollame disidratate, riso, grassi animali, idrolizzato di proteine animali, fibre vegetali, polpa di barbabietola, sali minerali, polvere di cellulosa.

Additivi (per kg): Additivi nutrizionali: Vitamina A: 15500 UI, Vitamina D3: 1000 UI, E1 (Ferro): 39 mg, E2 (Iodio): 3,9 mg, E4 (Rame): 12 mg, E5 (Manganese): 51 mg, E6 (Zinco): 128 mg, E8 (Selenio): 0,06 mg - Additivi tecnologici: Trifosfato di penta-sodio: 3,5 g - Conservanti - Antiossidanti.

Componenti analitici: Proteina grezza: 23,0% - Oli e grassi grezzi: 16,0% - Ceneri grezze: 6,0% - Fibra grezza: 2,8%. I

Istruzioni per l’uso: vedi tabella. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro/n° di lotto/n° di identificazione dello stabilimento: vedi informazioni sulla confezione. Da conservare in un luogo fresco ed asciutto.
Peso del caneScarsa attivitàAttività normaleElevata attività
26 kg286g (3 + 4/8 dosi)331g (4 + 1/8 dosi)377g (4 + 6/8 dosi)
32 kg334g (4 + 1/8 dosi)387g (4 + 7/8 dosi)440g (5 + 4/8 dosi)
38 kg380g (4 + 6/8 dosi)440g (5 + 4/8 dosi)501g (6 + 2/8 dosi)
44 kg425g (5 + 2/8 dosi)492g (6 + 1/8 dosi)559g (7 dosi)

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