​Does my puppy have diarrhoea?

Diarrhoea is actually quite common in puppies and can vary from one or two mild episodes that resolve quickly to severe gastrointestinal symptoms that may indicate a more serious illness. There are many reasons why a puppy experiences diarrhoea.

You have a new puppy and the first week is going great–your pup has been introduced to the new family, is eating well, sleeping through the night (mostly) and progressing well with house training. One morning when you take your puppy out, you notice they have diarrhoea. What should you do?

How did my puppy get Diarrhoea?

Diarrhoea is actually quite common in puppies and can vary from one or two mild episodes that resolve quickly to severe gastrointestinal symptoms that may indicate a more serious illness. There are many reasons why a puppy experiences diarrhoea:

  • They’re stressed out: Adoption into a new home is exciting for puppies but can also be stressful because of all the changes. So it’s not unusual for puppies to react with a mild gastrointestinal (GI) tract upset and develop diarrhoea. To de-stress your pup, let them acclimate to their new surroundings slowly. Limit the number of visitors they meet during the first weeks to avoid overwhelming them. Provide them with plenty of quiet time and naps, and set up a daily routine of regularly spaced feeding, play, rest and exercise.
  • They’re on a new diet: Remember, depending on your puppy’s age, they may have just finished weaning, which is a significant diet change. If you’ve changed kibble, it can cause temporary GI upset, especially if the change was introduced rapidly. If you’re going to transition your puppy’s food, be sure to transition it slowly over a period of seven to ten days, gradually increasing the proportion of new food during that time.
  • They’re trying everything: All puppies are curious and tend to explore new items by putting them into their mouths and sometimes ingesting them. Rubbish, toys, house plants, insects and even dirt can all be eaten by an unattended puppy and can lead to stomach upset or, more seriously, an intestinal blockage.
  • They were exposed to parasites: Parasite exposure can come from dietary indiscretion or transmission from the mother. If you suspect your puppy has a parasite, take them to the vet right away. Parasitic infestations must be treated with veterinary prescribed medications.
  • They caught a bug: Diarrhoea is one of the most common signs of several infectious diseases in puppies. The most serious of these is parvovirus, a highly contagious disease that can be life- threatening. In addition to developing severe diarrhoea, puppies infected with parvovirus will be lethargic, have a fever and show signs of abdominal pain and discomfort. Puppies are particularly susceptible to parvovirus, so be sure to get them vaccinated when it’s time.

Zapobieganie biegunce u szczeniąt

Zmniejszenie stresu i powolne wprowadzanie nowego pokarmu to świetne sposoby zapobiegania biegunce u szczeniąt, ale nie są to jedyne możliwe sposoby postępowania. Pamiętaj, aby cały czas nadzorować szczenię. Uważne obserwowanie szczenięcia pomoże uniknąć spożywania przez nie produktów niebezpiecznych i zmniejszy możliwość wystąpienia problemów.

Ponieważ istnieje wiele przyczyn biegunki, ważne jest, aby jak najszybciej udać się do lekarza weterynarii. Współpraca z lekarzem weterynarii w celu stworzenia proaktywnego planu utrzymania zdrowia psa sprawi, że zwierzę stale będzie w dobrym stanie. W ciągu kilku dni od sprowadzenia szczenięcia do domu zabierz je do lekarza weterynarii w celu przeprowadzenia pełnego badania fizykalnego. Lekarz weterynarii oceni ogólny stan zdrowia i kondycję szczenięcia, sprawdzi je pod katem obecności pasożytów i odpowie na wszelkie pytania dotyczące karmienia i opieki zdrowotnej.


Znajdź lekarza weterynarii

W razie wątpliwości czy pytań odnośnie zdrowia swojego psa skontaktuj się z lekarzem weterynarii.

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