Cuidando la salud de tu gatito

Los primeros meses de la vida de tu gatito representan un momento de enorme crecimiento y desarrollo. Si cuidas su salud en esta etapa vital, sentarás las bases para un futuro saludable juntos.

Norwegian Forest Cat kittens sat together in black and white

Siete consejos para mantener a tu gatito saludable

Hay muchas maneras sencillas de velar por su salud y su felicidad. Estos son algunos de los mejores consejos de los veterinarios y nutriólogos de Royal Canin.

1. Aprende a leer el lenguaje corporal de tu gatito para saber cuándo puede estar sintiéndose mal. Si percibes que algo no está bien, consulta con tu veterinario.

2. Asegúrate de que tu gatito obtenga la nutrición adecuada, a partir de una dieta equilibrada y personalizada para su edad.

3. Los gatitos necesitan dormir mucho, así que asegúrate de que el tuyo tenga un lugar cómodo y silencioso para descansar.

4. Nunca despiertes a un gatito cuando está dormido

5. Los gatitos también necesitan hacer ejercicio y disfrutan la compañía, así que tómate un tiempo para jugar con ellos.

6. Asegúrate de que una variedad de personas toque y alce a tu gatito regularmente, para ayudar a fortalecer su confianza.

7. Respeta siempre el calendario de vacunación recomendado por el veterinario.

Desarrolla la inmunidad de tu gatito con una nutrición personalizada

Para la salud y el bienestar de tu gatito a largo plazo, es crucial que este desarrolle un sistema inmunitario fuerte durante los primeros meses de vida. Nuestras fórmulas se desarrollan científicamente para apoyar un crecimiento saludable a largo plazo.

Vacunando a tu gatito

Vaccinations are vital to reinforce your kitten’s natural defences and protect them against a range of contagious, sometimes fatal, diseases.

The recommended kitten vaccinations protect against diseases including:

  • Feline leukaemia – weakens the immune system and dramatically increases vulnerability to infections.
  • Feline calicivirus (FCV) – highly contagious and a major cause of respiratory infections. This condition is transmitted by direct contact with eyes or nose of infected cats or contact of contaminated objects, such as bowls or toys.
  • Feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) – an often-fatal viral disease that causes vomiting. A cat may also experience diarrhoea, but this is not always present.
  • Feline herpes virus (FHV-1) – a key cause of cat flu and eye disease.
  • Rabies virus (RV) – transmitted by saliva of an infected animal and can be introduced beneath the skin from bites wounds.

There are also other vaccinations that your kitten may need. Your vet can advise what’s best for them.

It’s really important your kitten has the right vaccinations at the right age to ensure their health and wellbeing as they grow. Your vet will be able to assess the risks your kitten faces and create a detailed kitten vaccination schedule to suit them and their needs.

The ideal age for your kitten’s first vaccination is when they’re between six and nine weeks. Check with your kitten’s previous owner, as they may already have had their first vaccination by the time you bring them home.

Your kitten’s vaccinations will be most effective if they have booster vaccinations at specific times. To maintain the cat’s immunity through adulthood, vaccines are repeated once every 1-3 years, depending on individual circumstances and vaccine type.

Your kitten may have some of these common symptoms after their vaccinations:

  • Mild fever.
  • Less interest in food or activity.
  • Discomfort or swelling where they were vaccinated.
  • Mild sneezing or coughing.

If these symptoms last for more than a day or two, it’s important to contact your vet.

You should also contact your vet immediately if your kitten has less common side effects. These can include:

  • Vomiting or diarrhoea.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Swelling around the face, neck and mouth.
  • Difficulty breathing or severe coughing.

Desparasitación y esterilización en gatitos

Una vez esterilizado, por lo general el gatito sube de peso con más facilidad porque su apetito aumenta, y se vuelve menos activo. Para evitar que tu gatito tenga sobrepeso, y los problemas de salud que esto implica, es importante ajustar su dieta, algo sobre lo que también puede brindar asesoramiento tu veterinario.

La nutrición correcta puede ayudar a tu gatito a mantenerse saludable

Uno de los factores que más influye sobre la salud de tu gatito es su dieta. Los gatitos y los gatos tienen diferentes necesidades nutricionales a diferentes edades. Por lo tanto, alimentar a tu gatito con los nutrientes adecuados para su edad y necesidades individuales es muy importante para garantizar la fortaleza ósea, la salud de la piel y el pelaje, el bienestar digestivo, y otros aspectos.

British Shorthair kitten standing in black and white on a white background

Nutrición específica para cada edad de un gatito

Between around four and eight weeks, kittens are ready to move on from their milk-only diet and can be weaned. Dry food can be mixed with water and/or formula at a ratio of 1:3 to get them used to the new textures. They still have an immature digestive system though, so need easily digestible food that meets the specific nutritional needs for this stage of development.

Your kitten still won’t be able to digest some nutrients, so will need food tailored to their digestive stage. This will ensure they get the nutrients and energy they need to grow, develop and stay healthy.

Your kitten’s digestive and immune systems are strengthening but still fragile. Although their growth rate and energy needs begin to slow, they still need food specially designed for developing kittens.

As your kitten gets close to its full adult weight at around 12 months, it will need to begin eating adult cat food in adult portions. Their specific nutritional needs will depend on their size and other factors such as their activity levels and whether they’ve been neutered. It is worth getting advice from your vet to ensure you make the switch to adult food at the right time for your cat.

Sacred Birman kitten in black and white eating from a white dish

Alimentando a tu gatito

Comprende mejor las necesidades nutricionales de tu gatito y aprende cómo garantizar que adquiera hábitos alimenticios saludables.

Alimentando a tu gatito

Nutrición personalizada para gatitos

Nutrición a la medida para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de los gatitos de diferentes edades, razas y estilos de vida.