Common symptoms of illness in kittens

Knowing the common health issues your kitten might face, and how to spot the early signs, can help you feel reassured and take better care of your kitten.

Kitten lying down under a grey blanket

Common kitten health issues

During a kitten’s first year, they’re prone to a variety of illnesses and health issues. As a new owner, it can be difficult to know what’s normal and what are the signs of something more serious. Here are the key things to be aware of when it comes to kitten health.

Sacred Birman kitten sitting indoors next to a white bowl
Tabby kitten sleeping on a sofa

Has your kitten’s behaviour changed?

One of the most important things you can do is watch your kitten’s behaviour closely. Any change that’s significantly out of character can be the first sign there’s something wrong. Look out for new behaviours such as aggression, restlessness, hiding, excessive mewing or reduced appetite. If your kitten doesn’t seem themselves, contact your vet for guidance.

Kitten health problems – other typical symptoms

Keeping a close eye on your kitten’s physical characteristics will also enable you to spot telling changes. Here are a few things to keep an eye on:

1. Уши, глаза, ротовая полость, нос

У вашего котенка появились признаки зуда в ушах или выделения из из них? Глаза слезятся или выглядят мутными? Нос сухой, появились выделения из носа или котенок часто чихает? Кроме того, проверьте, не сухой ли нос, нет ли выделений из носа и не чихает ли котенок.

2. Дыхательная система

Ваш питомец кашляет, чихает или тяжело дышит?

3. Кожа и шерсть

Шерсть потускнела, стала ломкой, жирной или начала выпадать?

4. Вес и потеря аппетита

Ваш котенок похудел или внезапно набрал вес? Он потерял интерес к корму или перестал есть?

5. Пищеварительная система

У них наблюдается рвота, диарея, запор или чрезмерная жажда?

6. Мочевыделительная система

У вашего питомца участилось мочеиспускание? Цвет его мочи изменился?

If your kitten has any symptoms like these, it’s always worth asking your vet’s advice.

Bengal kitten crouching in black and white

Find a vet

If your kitten has any symptoms like these, it’s always worth asking your vet’s advice.

Find a vet

Understanding your kitten's health

It's important to understand your kitten's routines and behaviour, so you can quickly recognise the signs if something isn't right. It's also important to understand a few key milestones, such as vaccinations and booster injections.

Kitten health
Norwegian Forest Cat kittens sat together in black and white