West Highland White Terrier adult black and white

West Highland White Terrier

Brave and independent, but affectionate all the same, these little white dogs are the most admired of the Scottish terriers.

About the West Highland White Terrier

Small, active and hardy, West Highland White Terriers have a healthy dose of confidence, with a mischievous look. Undoubtably a terrier, these dogs are independent thinkers, but their loyalty and intelligence have made them a popular addition to many families.

West Highland White Terriers are solidly built little dogs, expressing magnificent strength and activity. These are true working terriers, bred for ratting, who are never happier than when they are given a job.

Fonte: aspetti e caratteristiche chiave provenienti dalla Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Caratteristiche della razza

Gruppo FCI 3, AKC Terrier Group
Aspettativa di vita media
12–14 anni

Vivace / Giocherellone / Resiliente / Fiducioso / Vigile / Socievole / Indipendente

Aspetti principali

  • Ha bisogno di addestramento moderato
  • Richiede frequenti toelettature
  • Il giardino non è essenziale

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