black and white shiba adult standing


In Japanese, “Shiba” refers to something small, so the breed’s name literally translates to small dog in their native country.

About the Shiba

Shibas are loyal, alert, attentive dogs who alternate between periods of calm and increased activity. They are independent, but nevertheless make very good family dogs.

Their natural habitat was the mountainous region facing the Sea of Japan, where they were used to hunt small game and birds. As such, Shibas have strong prey drives.

Fonte: aspetti e caratteristiche chiave provenienti dalla Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI)

Caratteristiche della razza

Gruppo FCI 5, Gruppo non sportivo AKC
Aspettativa di vita media
12–15 anni

Vivace / Amabile / Fedele / Vigile

Aspetti principali

  • È un ottimo cane da famiglia
  • Ha bisogno di un lungo addestramento
  • Richiede toelettatura moderata

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