Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question for Royal Canin? Your question might have been asked before and in that case we have added this question to the FAQ section. Can't fnd your question? Please contact Royal Canin support

Maine Coon and German Shepherd adults standing in black and white on a white background

Royalty Cards are applicable at participating pet stores.

Your loyalty to Royal Canin can be rewarded through a magnetcard of scratch cards. Both systems will reward you with points in our Royalty Programm which can be accessed through .

You can check the number of Royalty Points in 2 ways:

  1. Check the ticket your receive with each transaction
  2. Check your Royalty Points on

Get in touch

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Bernese Mountain Dog adult sitting in black and white on a white background
Brittany Spaniel adult sitting in black and white on a white background

Our history

Learn more about how we've been living these values every day for 50 years.

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Sphynx adult sitting in black and white on a white background

For a sustainable future

Sustainability is central to every aspect of Royal Canin's daily global operations.

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